A closer look at Invokable classes in PHP

— In PHP, Invokables refer to any class that may be instantiated without any constructor arguments. In other words, one should be able to create an instance solely be calling new $className(). To implement an invokable class, one needs to use __invoke() magic method of PHP. Before we understand how invokable exactly works, let’s take a look why invokable classes even exists in PHP.

Logout from every devices except the currently logged in one in Laravel

— Every robust web app has this feature where you’re provided with a setting through which you can choose to logout from all the devices you’ve been logged in from previously, except the current one. This is certainly a nice security feature that you can provide to your user without them even asking for it and if your app is built on top of Laravel 5.6, this comes out-of-the-box.

PHP 7.4 will support first-class property type declarations

— With the introduction of scalar type declaration and return type declaration in PHP 7.0, the language’s type system got improved at some extent. Although it’s great to have some layer of strictness, it’s still missing the support to declare typed properties. But from PHP 7.4, it seems, it’s going to change because according to this accepted RFC, PHP 7.4 will be getting support for first-class property type declarations.

Attribute casting in Laravel Eloquent

— Laravel’s Eloquent is without a doubt a great ORM exists right now. It has some of the features which makes it ahead of its competitions. One such feature the ORM provides is called “Attribute casting”.

Implement Invite-only registrations using Laravel's signed URLs

— There comes a time when you want URLs which are public but still you want some kind of authentication onto the same. For instance, you’d want such kind of URLs to enable invite-only registrations for your applications, where you’d send a URL to the user which that specific person only can access and register. In such scenarios, signed URLs can come in handy which are the special kind of URLs that have a “signature” hash appended to the query string to verify that the URL has not been modified since it was created.