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Amit Merchant

Amit Merchant

A blog on PHP, JavaScript, and more

Showing related posts based on the category of current post in Jekyll

Lately, I wanted to show related posts on post pages based on the category the current post lies in. So, for instance, of the post belongs to the “Jekyll” category, I would fetch the recent five posts published under this category and show those on the post. In my case, as you can tell, I’ve shown it in the right sidebar under More in "Jekyll" label.

Before reading further, if you’re not aware of how to categorize your posts in Jekyll, I would highly recommend you to first read this article and come back again.

Alright so, my task was to fetch related posts by the category. In my case, I categorize my posts by categories property in the frontmatter like so.

layout: post
title: Everything About Jekyll
categories: [Jekyll]

So, I needed to use this property to fetch the related posts. For instance, if I want to fetch the recent five posts under the category “Jekyll”, I can do so by looping over site.categories (which is available globally) like so.

{% for post in site.categories['Jekyll'] limit: 5 %}
            <a href="{{ post.url | relative_url }}">
                {{ post.title | escape }}
{% endfor %}

Notice that, I’ve hard-coded “Jekyll” over here. But we need to use the post’s category instead. So, we can use post’s page.categories property which contains the category of the current post.

There’s a catch, however. You simply just can’t use page.categories as the index of site.categories like so.


That’s because Jekyll doesn’t identify page.categories as a text/string.

To get around this, you’d need to capture it using a capture tag which lets you assign text/string to a variable and then use that variable as an index of the site.categories array. So, our updated code would be like so.

{% capture category %}{{ page.categories | first }}{% endcapture %}

{% for post in site.categories[category] limit: 5 %}
            <a href="{{ post.url | relative_url }}">
                {{ post.title | escape }}
{% endfor %}

And that’s how you can show related posts for your current post in Jekyll!

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